
Our Story

We say- when life gives you lemons, toss ‘em and make a Cheesesteak! It’s no secret, 2020 was rough for everyone and our friends and co-workers in the service industry were some of the hardest hit. As occupancy took a nosedive at hotels across the country, we were furloughed. We had barely taken a week at a time off work since graduating and now we were about to be off for months! The lifestyle we had known for the last decade was over. After inventorying the living room mini fridge for the 4th time and reorganizing our dry storage (aka a kitchen cupboard) we realized two things. One- old habits never die and two- It was time to put the dream in motion. While socially distanced and finishing up a few pints, Furlough Brothers was born and our quest to deliver Dallas’ most coveted cheesesteak began.

Culinary inspiration

Of course, the inspiration starts with the OG sandwich of them all… The Cheesesteak. While we will always pay homage to the greatest sandwich of all time, Furlough Brothers would like to share a few culinary twists of our own. Whether it is the great state of Texas driving the ingredients or our love for Asian, Mexican, and traditional American eating; Furlough Brothers is on a relentless mission to give Dallas a quality cheesesteak packed with real meat and a hot house cheese sauce that makes you forget that squeeze cheese even exists.

Questions? Concerns? Want to know more?